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RSE Policy



Wakefield Pupil Referral Units

Sharing values, celebrating differences, embracing success.



To enable all our learners to achieve personal success by becoming productive, resilient, responsible members of society.



RSE Policy


Approved By:




Created on:

September 2021

Amended on:

February 2023

Next review date:

February 2024






At the Springfield Centre we are required to provide relationship education and health education to all pupils. 

This policy has due regard to the following legislation and guidance:

  • Section 80A of the Education Act 2002; as part of the Education Act 2002 all schools must provide a balanced and broad-based curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school, whilst also preparing pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life
  • Children and Social Work Act 2017
  • The Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education (England) Regulations 2019
  • Equality Act 2010 and the Public Sector Equality Duty 2011
  • Mental Health and Behaviour in Schools (DfE 2018)
  • Science programme of study: KS3 (DfE 2013)
  • Keeping Children Safe in Education – September 2022
  • Promoting fundamental British Values through SMSC (DfE 2014)

Policy development  

In developing our policy, we have given due regard to the government’s statutory guidance for RSHE.  The policy has been developed in consultation with the community of Springfield Centre.  The process involved the following steps:

  • A lead member of staff reviewed current provision;
  • DfE guidance for RSHE was shared with stakeholders (pupils, parents, staff, governors);
  • Knowledge of local context helped us to understand the needs of our community;
  • Letters were sent out to parents and carers in 2020 & 2021 to outline the changes to the curriculum and their rights as parent/carers;
  • A draft policy was shared with stakeholders for comments;
  • The policy was ratified by the IMB in September 2021;             A copy of the policy is available on the school website.


What are relationships and sex education? 

RSE is lifelong learning about physical, sexual, moral and emotional development.  It is about the understanding of the importance of stable and loving relationships, respect, family life, forming attitudes, beliefs and values about relationships and sexuality.  It looks at how relationships may affect health and wellbeing, including mental health. 

RSE includes understanding about growing up and reproduction but also being able to make decisions, respecting oneself and others.  It helps children foster a sense of self-esteem and self-awareness and confidence to manage their lives in positive and healthy ways, as well as empathising with others. 

The curriculum is sequenced and progressively builds upon pupils’ prior knowledge, helping pupils to further their knowledge and understanding whilst developing skills and respectful attitudes.



Our specific aim of RSE is to provide balanced factual information about human reproduction, together with consideration of the broader emotional, ethical, and moral dimensions of sexual health. Our RSE programme aims to prepare pupils for an adult life in which they can:

  • Develop positive values and a moral framework that will guide their decisions, judgements and behaviour; have the confidence and self-esteem to value themselves and others and respect for individual conscience and the skills to judge what kind of relationship they want;
  • Develop confidence to talk, listen and think about their feelings and relationships;
  • Understand the consequences of their actions and behave responsibly within sexual and pastoral relationships;
  • Avoid being exploited or exploiting others or being pressured into unwanted or unprotected sex;
  • To understand what constitutes a normal relationship and how to recognise and call out child on child abuse;
  • Communicate effectively by developing appropriate terminology for sex and relationship issues;
  • Develop awareness of their sexuality and understand human sexuality; challenge sexism and prejudice, and promote equality and diversity;
  • Understand the arguments for delaying sexual activity;
  • Understand the reasons for having protected sex;
  • Have sufficient information and skills to protect themselves and, where they have one, their partner from uninvited/unwanted conceptions and sexually transmitted infections including HIV; 
  • Be aware of sources of help and acquire the skills and confidence to access confidential health advice, support and treatment if necessary;
  • Know how the law applies to sexual relationships;
  • Develop skills and self-esteem for entering adolescence;
  • Address concerns and correct misunderstanding that children may have gained from the media and peers;
  • Develop skills to help protect themselves from unwanted sexual experience;
  • Encourage an appreciation of the varieties of family which exist in our multi-faith and multiracial society. 


Principles and Values  


The Springfield Centre believes that RSE should: 

  • Be an integral part of the lifelong learning process, beginning in early childhood and continue into

adult life; 

  • Be an entitlement for all young people; 
  • Encourage every student to contribute to make our community and aims to support each individual as they grow and learn;
  • Be set within this wider school context and supports family commitment and love, respect and affection, knowledge and openness. Family is a broad concept; not just one model, e.g. nuclear family. It includes a variety of types of family structure, and acceptance of different approaches;  
  • Encourage students and teachers to share and respect each other’s views. We are aware of different approaches to sexual orientation, without promotion of any particular family structure. The important values are love, respect and care for each other; 
  • Generate an atmosphere where questions and discussion on sexual matters can take place without any stigma or embarrassment;
  • Recognise that parents are the key people in teaching their children about sex, relationships and growing up. We aim to work in partnership with parents and students, consulting them about the content of programmes;
  • Recognise that the wider community has much to offer and we aim to work in partnership with health professionals, social workers, peer educators and other mentors or advisers.


Roles and responsibilities

The Management Board – Scrutiny of the policy and ratification.

Headteacher – Delivers the policy to the board for ratification. Ensures the delivery of the curriculum.  

Lead teacher – Develops the policy and ensures the delivery of the RSE curriculum.

Teachers of RSE – Delivery of the RSE curriculum.


Organisation and Content of Sex and Relationship Education 

The Springfield Centre specifically delivers Sex and Relationship Education through its PSHE lessons. Lessons are delivered in the classroom by the PHSE teacher and teaching assistant, with support from

Spectrum services in Wakefield. The PSHE Programme is taught to all pupils who attend The Springfield Centre.       

 Any RSE lesson may consider questions or issues that some pupils will find sensitive. Before embarking on these lessons ground rules are established which prohibit inappropriate personal information being requested or disclosed by those taking part in the lesson. When pupils ask questions, we aim to answer them honestly, within the ground rules established at the start of the sessions. When it is felt that answering a specific question would involve information at a level inappropriate to the development of the rest of the pupils, the question may be dealt with individually at another time. 




RSE teaching will promote:

•    Equality and will challenge all forms of prejudice and discrimination; •     The importance of a safe, caring, healthy and respectful relationships.


Ethnic and Cultural Groups

We intend our policy to be sensitive to the needs of different ethnic groups. For some young people it is not culturally appropriate for them to be taught particular items in mixed groups. We will respond to parental requests and concerns. 

Students with Special Educational Needs

We will ensure that all young people receive sex and relationship education, and we will offer provision appropriate to the particular needs of all our students, taking specialist advice where necessary. 

Sexual Identity and Sexual Orientation

We aim to deal sensitively and honesty with issues of sexual orientation, answer appropriate question and offer support. Young people, whatever their developing sexuality need to feel that sex and relationship education is relevant to them.  By providing LGBTQ+ children with a safe space for them to speak out or share their concerns with members of staff.



Right of Withdrawal of Students from Sex and Relationship Education  

Relationships, Sex and Health Education are statutory at secondary school from September 2020.

Parents have the right to request that their child be withdrawn from some or all of sex education delivered as part of statutory RSE. Before granting any such request, and in line with DfE guidance, the head teacher will discuss the request with parents and, as appropriate, with the child to ensure that their wishes are understood and to clarify the nature and purpose of the curriculum. The Centre will document this process to ensure a record is kept.

Some parents prefer to take the responsibility for aspects of this element of education. They have the right to withdraw their children from part of the relationship education except for those parts included in the statutory National Curriculum (i.e. in science lessons) up to three terms before the pupil turns 16. We would make alternative arrangements in such cases.  Parents are encouraged to discuss their decisions with staff at the earliest opportunity.  Parents are welcome to review any SRE resources the school uses. 

Confidentiality, Controversial and Sensitive Issues 

The school cannot offer unconditional confidentiality.   In any case where safeguarding procedures are followed, the school will ensure that the young person understands, that if confidentiality has to be broken, they will be informed first. Health professionals in school are bound by their codes of conduct in a one-to-one situation with an individual student. 


Quality Assurance

All lessons are observed throughout the year as part of the schools teaching and learning policy, students are also spoken to during these observations so have an opportunity to voice their opinion on the teaching methods and content. Work scrutiny is also carried out throughout the year from a random selection of student’s books. The RSE policy will be reviewed every year and ratified by the Headteacher and the Management Board.